
Better Than You Think - (Week 1b)

Week 1b: Think about the body's amazing ability to heal; consider things from which you and others have recovered.

I saw the physical therapist today for a shoulder that has ceased to operate like one. Still lying in bed, just that first morning stretch sends me into a pain-induced state of shock which is no way to start the day! And it's downhill from


Really? 8 Weeks to Optimum Health...? (Wk 1a)

                             Week 1a: Eat fresh broccoli twice this week.

Some experts say it takes 21 days--three weeks--to establish a new habit. Opinions differ, but in any case, I know it takes me more than a week. So I'm giving myself three times that--24 weeks, not eight!

I ran across this book at Goodwill a few months back. (By the way, thrift shops are a great place to shop for books if you can't afford new


"Migraines Are What Happens When You're Making Other Plans"

No doubt you've seen this clever axiom, credited to John Lennon...
For the past several years, my experience has been that...
"Migraines are what happens when you're making other plans!"

For instance, I planned a week-long trip recently to a town three hours away