
Has Your Internal Engineer Muted Your Voice?

(Note: This was drafted in June so the reference to Christmas was originally a reference to my last birthday--which only emphasizes the point!)

Do you remember hearing your own voice recorded for the first time? Almost everybody responds the same: “Do I really sound like that?”

My first "gig" as a vocalist was at age six, soloing “Sunbeam” in a Sunday morning church service. That was followed closely by an appearance in my mother’s Christmas production


Facebook or Blog?

So...I've decided to blog. More. I really do enjoy Facebook, but mostly to keep up with what all my friends are doing. As a writer, I find the space given for posts on our beloved FB, to be more of an irritant than an invitation.


Cultural Consciousness, Societal Schizophrenia & Suicide Tourism

"We sat there on the couch and watched him die!" she exclaimed.
A young woman I spoke with recently, had viewed a program on a public broadcast channel about the current trend in euthanasia known as "suicide tourism." It is travel for the purpose of ending one's life in a place that has fully embraced and actively facilitates assisted suicide. There was something about boarding a plane on a one-way vacation to Sweden for the sole purpose of dying that troubled her.