
I DON'T Want To Be Left Behind

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Like a 2:00 rainstorm on a Florida afternoon, an unexplained cloudburst of tears threatens as I close the book on Brenda Peterson's memoir, "I Want To Be Left Behind."

Its catchy, irreverent title--at least for someone who understands its connotation--indeed caught my eye as I passed by a library shelf weeks ago. Me and my curiosity couldn't resist.


Eschatalogical Switzerland

I actually wrote this piece a month or two back. As you will see in today's and tomorrow's posts, the topic is obviously occupying some space in my thinking (you have to be sleeping under a rock not to have some awareness of all this!), the reasons why becoming clearer tomorrow.  But lest I leave the impression that I'm consumed, it just so happens that my current interest in posting coincides with the current Mayan madness. Correlation does not necessarily equal cause, remember... So here's my meager contribution.


I have many and varied bed fellows these days. That doesn’t mean I’m sleeping around. It means that among my friends are people who view things very differently. These differences are never seen any clearer than in